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New Friends and Fox Canyon

A new friend joined us today! His name is Bodhi, and we had such a great time going on an adventure with him today. When we first entered the woods, we found some beautiful red and yellow leaves as well as some yellow flowers. We collected the yellow flowers, and Bodhi was really excited about this! He found about eight flowers. We brought our yellow flowers to Opening Circle where we smelled them and shared what we thought they smelled like. Peaches, lemon, yellow, birthday cake, and candy! It is amazing how diverse something can smell! We each introduced ourselves and shared what we were thankful for today. Then we went over our agreements. 1. Stay Together 2. Be kind and respectful to each other and everything that we find in the woods 3. Ask permission before putting anything into your mouth 4. Have fun!

We visited our shelters and played a game called Hawks and Jays. This made us laugh a lot! We also played Fox Stalks Rabbit to practice moving quietly through the woods and a camouflage game called Eagle Eye.

At snack, Miss Brinkley shared a story about children going on an adventure and finding a fox den. This excited the children, and they wanted to find some foxes. So, we went on an adventure to find foxes. We discovered a big hole that might be a fox den! We also climbed on a big tree.

Then we made our way to what Lucas called Fox Canyon. There, we found lots of holes in the side of the hill and also discovered that it was fun to slide down the hill! We played here for a while before walking over to a grassy patch for lunch.

After lunch, we played some games and drew pictures in the sand. Alice enjoyed drawing pictures of flowers, and Salem drew a picture of a sailboat! Then, Salem and Lucas decided to draw a boat together. They even went sailing on the boat!

We walked out of the woods together and had our Closing Circle along the way. There, we shared highlights of the day and sang our goodbye song. We are looking forward to the next class!

Edible Foods Disclaimer: is informational in nature. While we strive to be 100% accurate, it is solely up to the reader to ensure proper plant identification. Some wild plants are poisonous or can have serious adverse health effects.

We are not health professionals, medical doctors, nor are we nutritionists. It is up to the reader to verify nutritional information and health benefits with qualified professionals for all edible plants listed in this web site.

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