Max the Snail and Animal Charades
A little friend greeted us as soon as we entered the woods today! It was a snail! This snail was very brave and continued to stay out of its shell while each of us took turns holding the snail. One of the children named him Max.

There was a lot of water from the recent rains in the creek area, and we found lots of little yellow flowers in the ground. Each of us thought that the flower smelled like something different. We thought it smelled like chocolate, honey, and a couple other things. It's amazing how I smell can be so complex!
We visited the animal den to see if there were any signs recent activity. We did see that an animal had been digging at the entrance to the den, but we aren't sure if that is the same animal that uses the den regularly. We walked further into the woods and entered into creative play. Orion really wanted to play Transformers, so we invented the nature version, and we transformed into different animals. This led into a game of animal charades. Scarlet really liked being a tiger! In fact, she was a tiger on all three of her turns!
We adventured to a new area of the woods today. There was a lot of new plant growth on the ground! We discovered some wood sorrel, which we talked about, and a few of us tasted it. It is a really fun little edible plant. Orion especially enjoyed eating the wood sorrel. He was like a little rabbit! We actually had to stop him from eating too much, because that can give you a stomachache.

We then played multiple games of camouflage. The children are getting better at this each week! They really found great hiding spots. Everyone was a little tired and cranky today, so we set up the blanket and did some art activities. Miss Hannah brought a visual dictionary, and we really enjoyed looking at that! The day ended with some creek exploration and playing in the clay. We also did our sit spot at the creek. At Closing Circle, we shared our highlights of the day. Overall, it was a great day!

Edible Foods Disclaimer: is informational in nature. While we strive to be 100% accurate, it is solely up to the reader to ensure proper plant identification. Some wild plants are poisonous or can have serious adverse health effects.
We are not health professionals, medical doctors, nor are we nutritionists. It is up to the reader to verify nutritional information and health benefits with qualified professionals for all edible plants listed in this web site.