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Swimming in Mobile Bay
Outdoor play with Nature Connect often includes having fun in the waters of Mobile Bay. Our staff stay informed of local water quality data and if there are warnings to not swim, then we adhere to those recommendations. Additionally, our staff are CPR/First Aid certified and are trained in dealing with emergencies. This webpage serves as a resource for our families to feel confident about swimming in Mobile Bay.
Article from staff member, Valerie Longa, Research vs. Rumor: Is it safe to swim in the Mobile Bay?:
Vibrio vulnificus is a naturally occurring bacteria found in salt and brackish waters (like our Bay) worldwide. Vibriosis, the infection that may occur after exposure to Vibrio, is most often contracted through the consumption of raw or undercooked shellfish or secondarily when an open wound is exposed to salt or brackish water. Here you will find prevention information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
CDC Facts About Recreational Water Illnesses:
Common skin rashes after swimming:
Swimmer's Itch:
Hot Tub Rash ( Pseudomonas rash):
Seabather's Eruption (Sea Lice) caused by Jellyfish Larvae:
American Red Cross: Swimming Safely at the Beach-
We are glad to discuss any of your questions or concerns at any time. The above information is not meant for medical advice and if you ever have any medical concerns for your child, please seek the advice of a pediatrician or medical doctor.